A baby's bedtime does not always have to be consistent. You can keep your baby on track by modifying it based on that day's nap schedule.
Nursing to sleep should not be considered a BAD or GOOD habit. That judgment entirely depends on your family. Learn about the consequences.
Find out about wake windows and the ultimate baby nap schedule (or download our app!)
Nighttime feedings are entirely appropriate for children up to 9 months. Learn about newborn sleep and night feedings.
The witching hour is the peak of baby crying between 5 pm and 11 pm every day. Learn why this happens and how to make it easier.
Tummy time is important because it helps babies safely sleep and lowers the risk of nighttime suffocation.
Learn all about the ideal baby nap schedule, or create a custom schedule with the Lovebug App.
As a parent, it can be overwhelming determining which method is best for your family and your baby. We’re here to help!
We love swaddling newborns, but swaddling can become very dangerous for older babies.
Babies are soothed by sound machines because they sound like the womb, and have the added benefit of keeping their room consistent.
Looking for sleepy signs can really help you avoid the overtired state of a baby and keep you on track with your child's sleep.
They say day sleep should be 3-5 hours a day. Let's cover individual nap lengths based on your baby's age.
The 4-month sleep regression is so tricky because that's when your baby moves from wake windows to a clock schedule.
At 16 weeks, your little one knows the difference between day and night. It's time for a diurnal schedule using the Lovebug app.