Your newborn has more ways of communicating with you than you might think. As you already know, they are VERY good at crying. Babies use crying as their primary form of communication. There is the "change my diaper💩, momma!!!" cry. The "I'M HANGRY"🍼cry. The "I'm gassy 💨or uncomfortable" cry. And of course, the "I'm so tired 💤 cry", to name a few.
Luckily, before they get to the "I'm so tired" cry, there are a few things they will do to show you they're almost ready for a little shut eye. Pay close attention in order to avoid an overtired baby!
Signs I'm getting a little sleepy:
- The blank stare 👀
- Pink eyebrows
Signs I need a nap NOW!
- Pulling on ears 👂🏾
- Becoming cranky/fussiness
- Rubbing eyes 👁️
- Yawning
Overtired baby:
- Making fists 🤛🏼
- Active crying
- Arching back