Reading Baby's Sleepy Cues!

Looking for sleepy signs can really help you avoid the overtired state of a baby and keep you on track with your child's sleep.

Lovebug, LLC

Your newborn has more ways of communicating with you than you might think. As you already know, they are VERY good at crying. Babies use crying as their primary form of communication. There is the "change my diaper💩, momma!!!" cry. The "I'M HANGRY"🍼cry. The "I'm gassy 💨or uncomfortable" cry. And of course, the "I'm so tired 💤 cry", to name a few. ⁠
Luckily, before they get to the "I'm so tired" cry, there are a few things they will do to show you they're almost ready for a little shut eye. Pay close attention in order to avoid an overtired baby!

Signs I'm getting a little sleepy:⁠
- The blank stare 👀⁠
- Pink eyebrows ⁠

Signs I need a nap NOW!⁠
- Pulling on ears 👂🏾⁠
- Becoming cranky⁠/fussiness
- Rubbing eyes 👁️⁠
- Yawning ⁠

Overtired baby:⁠
- Making fists 🤛🏼⁠
- Active crying ⁠
- Arching back ⁠

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A flowchart quiz for viewers to understand what their parenting style is and how they should sleep train their babies based on that parenting style.A quiz to help a parent determine their parenting style. Once they know their parenting style, they can use that parenting style to determine the right solution for sleep training for them.

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A+ Planner

The sleep gods are definitely in your favor. You are smart, grounded, and don't want to be taken by surprise when it comes to your baby's sleep (or lack there of)!

You will shine in this first year of parenthood with a tool that gives you a solid sleep plan to execute, guiding you to great sleep from the newborn phase to the toddler years.

See Solutions for A+ Planners

Rock Star

The sleep gods honor those who are prepared! And, you have impressed them! Your logical, practical, and systematic approach to your baby's sleep since early on will definitely pay off.

You'll flourish with a solution that helps you keep your baby sleeping well through all of the regressions, transitions, and baby sleep curve balls thrown at you in the first years of life.

See Solutions for Rockstars

Free Spirit

The sleep gods know that you don't stress when things don't go exactly as planned! You are spontaneous, playful, and likely love a good nap on the go!

You'll thrive with a flexible solution that will guide you in the moment. One that will adapt and adjust to you, your baby, & your parenting style.

See Solutions for Free Spirits


The sleep gods acknowledge your strength and willingness to do anything for your baby! You wear your heart on your sleeve. You are a loyal, protective, determined, and steadfast parent.

You will thrive when given open communication to a live sleep consultant trained in all sleep methods, and a personalized plan that honors your needs and parenting style.

See Solutions for Warriors