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How does your parenting style impact baby sleep?

Take our quiz to find out.

A flowchart quiz for viewers to understand what their parenting style is and how they should sleep train their babies based on that parenting style.A quiz to help a parent determine their parenting style. Once they know their parenting style, they can use that parenting style to determine the right solution for sleep training for them.

What do the sleep gods say about you?

A+ Planner

The sleep gods are definitely in your favor. You are smart, grounded, and don't want to be taken by surprise when it comes to your baby's sleep (or lack there of)!

You will shine in this first year of parenthood with a tool that gives you a solid sleep plan to execute, guiding you to great sleep from the newborn phase to the toddler years.

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Rock Star

The sleep gods honor those who are prepared! And, you have impressed them! Your logical, practical, and systematic approach to your baby's sleep since early on will definitely pay off.

You'll flourish with a solution that helps you keep your baby sleeping well through all of the regressions, transitions, and baby sleep curve balls thrown at you in the first years of life.

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Free Spirit

The sleep gods know that you don't stress when things don't go exactly as planned! You are spontaneous, playful, and likely love a good nap on the go!

You'll thrive with a flexible solution that will guide you in the moment. One that will adapt and adjust to you, your baby, & your parenting style.

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The sleep gods acknowledge your strength and willingness to do anything for your baby! You wear your heart on your sleeve. You are a loyal, protective, determined, and steadfast parent.

You will thrive when given open communication to a live sleep consultant trained in all sleep methods, and a personalized plan that honors your needs and parenting style.

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When they're sleeping great!

Your baby will maintain good sleep through the ups... and the downs.

Find my Schedule
The Lovebug dynamic schedule that updates as your baby ages. Showing is the wake window calculation for your child, when the next scheduled nap is, and a baby nap schedule for the day based on your child's age within a mobile phone view. There are three call outs of "Your baby sleep schedule", "Automatically makes nap transitions", and "Miss a nap? Early bedtime" highlighting where the features exist on the app screen.

When they're not sleeping at all...

Your baby will conquer sleep struggles with personalized guidance and access to a sleep consultant.

Start Today
Shows a video lesson from a pediatric sleep coach within the Lovebug baby sleep mobile app available on iOS and Android. There is a video player that shows Jenica the sleep coach and a graduate from the Family Sleep Institute. There are three call outs to highlight features of the mobile app of "Certified sleep consultants", "plans specific to your child's sleep needs" and "Summary notes for quick advice.

Guidance, every single minute.

You get support daily, through your entire baby sleep journey. We're in this together.

Find my plan
A view from the Lovebug Baby Sleep mobile app, available on iOS and Android. This screen shows the Lesson Library from the mobile app with streamed video lessons for baby sleep. There are three call outs for "A priority lesson for YOUR baby" that highlights a lesson on shorter wake windows keep spirits high". A second call out for "Sleep basics for your baby's age" that highlights a program for baby sleep for newborns. This will update as the child ages to baby years and toddler years. There is a third call out for "100s of lessons to explore" that points to the Lovebug Lesson Library that lets users browse all of the Lovebug lessons.

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Our Blog Blends Science and Love

a baby with sunglasses on and the words nap transitions

Baby Nap Transitions: The Comprehensive Guide

Let Lovebug help you transition from one nap transition to the next with the Lovebug dynamic baby nap schedule.

Lovebug's baby sleep training app explains how to adjust wake windows and your baby's nap schedule for summer travel

Prepare your baby's sleep schedule for Summer Travel

Learn from pediatric sleep experts on how to prepare your baby for summer adventures and the resulting sleep disruptions.

Lovebug baby sleep training app's pediatric sleep consultant describes crying's role in sleep training

Why is my baby crying so much during sleep training?

Jenica explores the complex relationship between crying and sleep training while evaluating the research cited by Cry-It-Out opponents.

Lovebug's baby sleep training app describes the interval method (ferber method, takingcarababies), the chair method (gentle sleep training, fuss it out) and the extinction method (cry-it-out)

Which sleep training method should I choose?

Should you choose Ferber, Cry-it-out, or a "gentle" sleep training approach? Let us help you decide.